You don't have to choose between work and family.
And you don't have to feel so alone!

Do you dream of a place...
To get a break from your kids?
Get work done without interruptions?
Talk with other adults? Or simply take a nap?
You're not alone. You're not dreaming.
This place exists.
It's called Family Village and we made it
for parents like you!

parenting is hard.
You’re sleep deprived.
Your kids’ needs always come first.
You feel like you only have lose-lose options.
Your attention is constantly split.
You can't stop worrying.
And despite never being alone,
you've never felt more isolated and lonely.
It's more than exhausting.
It's a crisis.
But it's not your fault
and it doesn’t have to be like this!
Being able to breathe (or better yet, nap!)
Someone ELSE loving your kids so you can do YOU​​
Not needing to be “put together” to get out of the house
A place that meets both your kids needs AND yours
The freedom to be supported on your timelines & terms
You're not crazy
for wanting these things.

You're human
You can't possibly be an entire village!
We all say that we
"want what's best for our kids"
but what kids need most are parents who are ok.
And let's face it, we parents ARE. NOT. OK.
We can't keep doing this alone.​
The space you dream of
is real. And it's ready for you!

Out of the mouths of
baby mamas
Family Village is equal parts...
...all together under one roof.

Imagine... a childcare, coworking and community space for parents like you to thrive personally, professionally and parentally.

Yet it's so much more than
the sum of its parts.
Family Village's innovative fusion of
co-working, childcare and community spaces for
work-from-home, stay-at-home and student parents
is ideal for creating the work-life balance you crave.

drop-in childcare
Show up when it’s convenient for you (say goodbye to the screaming fits from forcing kids into shoes and carseats just to get somewhere on time)!

self care & sanity
Get the quality “me-time” you so desperately need while your kids get the socialization they need so you can all go home feeling refreshed and present.

community care
Share meals, milestones and the mundane magic of parenthood with people who understand. Relax into knowing that you’re not alone.

business building
Get support balancing the demands
of parenthood and entrepreneurship (or whatever you dream of building) without compromising one for the other.

home-like vibes
Enjoy cozy spaces that feel like home without the guilt of ignoring your kids or the piles of dirty laundry (we do require pants for your Zoom calls though).

adult friendships
Make adult friends without the crazy-making of a playdate where you end up chasing your kid the whole time. Extra bonus? Befriending each other's kids!

Yes, for real life!
We know it works because we've been at it for five years and our co-op is thriving.
Oops! Does the idea of a "childcare co-op" seem a bit cringe? Don't worry!
You won't be trading childcare with other parents (that's why we hire experienced childcare professionals).
All it means is that YOU (as a co-owner of the business) are our primary stakeholder and we're beholden to you, not investors.
And together, we're on a mission to:
Empower parents to thrive as both diaper-changers and change-makers by creating space for community care, cooperative entrepreneurship and the decolonizing of cultural norms.

Some say revolution, others say revelation. Either way...
Did you hear what they're saying about us?
"This place gave me the courage to start my own business. I've connected with so many caring and ambitious women."
Adley H.
"I love not having to stick to a rigid daycare schedule. I can work to support my family AND still feel like I'm a stay-at-home mom –the best of both worlds!"
Katie H.
"As a transplant to CO without family nearby, this place has been life-saving for me! Every community needs one of these."
Hillary A.
"This place is a sanctuary. It is exactly what I have needed, yearned for and envisioned for myself. As a single parent, it gave us a greater sense of family."
Anna K.
"The Village welcomed my family with open arms and provided us with a sense of belonging I thought would take years to create."
Luisa G.
"As a mom, creating a support network is hard and vulnerable, especially when you need so much help. Now I always, always have a place to go."
Tracy B.
"It's nice to have hours of uninterrupted time AND still to be able to interact with my son. I feel more involved than before."
Hans T.
"What a relief to find such a wonderful place to steal a few rare hours to fully focus and to know that my son was in great hands, having a lot of fun."
Emily R.

So how does
'having this' work?

#1 join us
Buy your monthly pass and we'll connect you with one of our humans. Or talk with a human first and then get your pass. Totally your call!

#2 drop off
Drop in anytime we're open, leave your kiddo(s) with our expert kid crew and enjoy your "you time" in one of our many adult spaces.

#3 stick around
Come back as often as you like! Just make sure you stay onsite and that your kids use a maximum of 3 hours of childcare a day (per child).

Still have questions?
This should help!
Denver, CO
3021 S University Blvd
Boulder, CO
8900 Arapahoe Road
What kid ratios?
We value our mixed-age kid's space and do not separate kids by age. Our group sizes flex without rigid ratios and we staff to ensure the safety of all.
For dads too?
Absolutely! We welcome caregivers of all genders and identities. All that matters to us is that you are the legal guardian of the kid(s) you leave in our care.
Open hours?
Denver: Mon – Fri
9 am – 1 pm
Boulder: Mon – Fri
9 am – 1:30 pm
Toilet Training?
Your kid's duty is your duty. Our staff will text you for diaper changes and bathroom breaks. If you're busy, other parents can lend a wiping hand.
Is it churchy?
Nope, but we love the mutual-benefit of operating out of churches (which sit vacant 80% of the week)! We work hard to ensure our spaces feel un-churchy.
What age kids?
We welcome kids of all ages as soon they (and you) are ready. Take your time with the transition and know that non-walkers are welcome in all adult spaces (for free)!
Medical Needs?
We do not require proof of vaccinations of any kind and our staff cannot administer medications. We follow CDC guidelines on COVID-19 protocols.
Only 3 hours?!
It's a bummer, we know! It's a requirement of state regulations for unlicensed childcare (which is also what affords us the freedom and flexibility we thrive on).

Having a village is priceless
so it can't be pricey too.
All Monthly Passes Include:
Full access to coworking and community spaces for one adult
Free coffee, tea and high speed WiFi
Discounts on fitness classes and other programming
Snack and supplies fee for the kids
*Childcare hours are per child, per hour. Unused hours do not roll over to the next month. Additional childcare hours can be purchased through a punch pass.
You can buy your one-time $25 Membership share now or in 3 months after trying us out. Just let us know what you prefer.

Just dooooo the
next right thiiiiing...
Not sure what that is for you? We gotcha.

Can't quite get enough?
Here's some of our backstory.
Founder Melanie Hekkelman-Piazza came up with the idea for Family Village in response to raising an infant and 3 year-old while also caretaking her terminally ill mother (in a town she'd just moved to).
Fueled by desperation, isolation and rage, she gathered like-minded mothers and set to work building the space of her dreams. Within six months, the doors were open and lives were being changed.
Five years and more than 200 families later, Family Village continues to buck the status quo of childcare, parenting and business norms.
And this is just where our story starts.
Ready to write this next chapter with us?