"Shouting 'self-care' at people who need community care
is how we fail people."
what we offer

what folks say

things to know

How does it work?
Unlike traditional childcare, you stay onsite while your kids are cared for by our staff. Use your childcare hours when it works for you –no scheduling required!
What kid ratios?
We value having a mixed-age kid's space and do not separate kids by age. Our group size flexes without rigid ratios and we staff to ensure the safety of all.
For dads too?
Absolutely! We welcome caregivers of all genders and identities. All that matters is that you are the legal guardian of the kid(s) you leave in our care.
Open hours?
Denver: M–F | 9 am–1 pm
Boulder: M–F | 9 am–1:30 pm
Fort Collins: Tu-Th | 9 am–1 pm
Toilet Training?
Your kid's duty is your duty.
Our staff will text you for diaper changes and bathroom breaks. If you're busy, other parents can lend a wiping hand.
Is it churchy?
No, but we love the mutual-benefit of operating out of churches (which sit vacant 80% of the week). We work to ensure our spaces feel un-churchy.
What age kids?
We welcome kids of all ages as soon they (and you) are ready. Transition your kid into care at your own pace and enjoy being there when they need you.
What does it cost?
We prioritize keeping our services accessible, with passes starting at $244/mo. Pricing varies by location so check each space's webpage for specifics.
Only 3 hours?!
It's a bummer, we know! It's a requirement of state regulations for unlicensed childcare (which is also what affords us the freedom and flexibility we thrive on).

let's connect
Slaying the status quo since 2018